Our School's Food Services

As a vital part of our health program at Father Marquette, we maintain a clean and active school cafeteria. We know there is a strong connection between good nutrition and student success, so we are happy to provide nutritious and delicious meals at a very reasonable rate to our school family.

Do as I’m Doing—Providing a Healthy Example

In a world with jam-packed schedules and ultra-convenient fast food restaurants, it is often a challenge to make healthy food and exercise choices. To combat the ongoing battle against childhood obesity and poor health habits, parents must take the first stand and provide healthy examples for their children to follow. Children will not learn these healthy habits on their own; they will silently watch and learn from those around them. Parents can preach about the amazing benefits of choosing a healthy lifestyle, but unless they practice what they preach, children will have difficulty hearing the lesson. Making a lifestyle change to incorporate more healthy choices may not be easy, but it will prove to be beneficial for parents as well as for their children.

  1. Eat at Home
    Eating at home provides more healthy choices and allows for more positive family interactions. Avoiding fast food restaurants will not only save money, but it will also save children from eating processed food that is high in sugar and salt. By eliminating junk food and stocking a healthy pantry, unhealthy snacking will come to a screeching halt and make the choice to be healthy so much easier.

    Make eating fruits and vegetables exciting! Explain to the children how big their muscles are getting, how fast they are going to run, and how healthy they are going to be. Even superheroes and princesses eat their veggies!
  2. Incorporate Exercise into your Daily Routine
    One of the best ways to provide a healthy example to children is to exercise with them! Activities such as playing outside, going on bike rides, walks, or runs will get everyone having fun together as a family and being healthy at the same time. Set a time that is available for everyone in the family and make exercise a priority.
  3. Unplug
    Turn off the television. Shut down the computer. Stop texting, twittering, and Facebooking. Unplug. Having quiet time to enjoy a conversation or read a book can be very refreshing and relaxing. By shutting down, parents and children will be able to spend quality time together, truly relax, improve their mental health, and encourage creativity.

    Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to happen overnight but is best achieved by taking small steps in a positive direction. Just evaluate the areas that would be most beneficial for your family and start there. Soon, children will start to catch on and will begin to achieve a healthier lifestyle.